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I'm Chelsey, a UX professional and enthusiastic problem solver based in Seattle.
Above all else, I am an advocate for the user, mining key insights to build sound creative strategies, while prioritizing usability and simplicity to emphasize value. 
I aim to design research-based,
frictionless experiences
that put humans



A start-up SaaS solution for recruiters needed a UI redesign to convert trial users into paying customers.

Upsider takes an innovative approach to candidate sourcing that enables recruiters to be more proactive in the hiring process. Though they had promising technology, their user interface needed a boost. My team conducted research to identify the primary user's needs and goals towards optimize the user experience. We created high fidelity mockups for an ideal workflow that tested great with users and emphasized the value that Upsider brings to the hiring process. 

Artboard 1.png


The website for a well-known children's hospital needed an information architecture renovation.

At first glance, the St. Jude's website is engaging and welcoming. However, a deeper look reveals a complicated information architecture that is difficult to navigate. A thorough analysis revealed some simple solutions for bringing this site up to a higher standard for their varied users groups. 

St Jude Homepage Wireframes.png


A responsive music streaming website designed for families.

Given a problem space - music - my team was tasked with identifying an area of opportunity and designing a solution in the form of a responsive website. We chose to focus on the modern family's experience in an increasingly digitalized and personalized musical age. We spoke to parents to understand their family's current behaviors and needs, before designing LaDiDa: a responsive website that brings music and family together. 

LaDiDa wireframe for homepage.png
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